Transforming various excursion stations into a virtual tour for students, enhanced with interactive elements like quizzes and interviews, both during and post-excursion for effective learning and review.
The project by the University Bayreuth’s chair of Cultural geography transforms various excursion stations into a virtual experience for students using VR and 360° technologies, enhanced with interactive elements like quizzes and interviews, both during and post-excursion for effective learning and review.
The project includes virtual tours through different local breweries so the students can learn about beer culture in Franconia on their own time.
The stations are made accessible post-excursion through 360° recordings for efficient review. Stations are documented with photos and 360° camera recordings during the excursion. The finished product exists primarily for student learning. It could potentially be made available to the participating museums, but agreements are still pending.
This project supports the excursion preparation and review, offering flexibility in time and space. It enables access to otherwise restricted areas, potentially including insights into various machines.
The 360°-Enviroment encourages student interest through interactive content and involvement in creating materials (images/texts) during the excursion.
Geography (B.Sc.), Teacher Training Gym, RS, GEFA (B.Sc.) students, and to introduce geography lecturers to VR and 360° technology applications.
Browser-based application, thus flexible. Best viewed in VR.